hello all!  It's been a very sad week at the shelter.  Auntie Kash lost
her ferret Buddy.  He used to live with us at the shelter.  Auntie
Olympia & uncle Karl lost their Munchie too.  Munchie never lived with
us, but she was still special to anyone who met her.
Munchie & Buddy are having such a good time up here.  Munchie ran
straight to all the squeaky toys and dumped them in the Ferretone pool
and swam with them.  Buddy hung out with me for a while, then spotted
one of the cute females up here and left me in the dust!  Both of them
wanted me to tell their families they love them and know how much you
love them too.
grandma went in for some tests this week too.  she had a temperature all
week so the doc wanted to see her.  it turns out that the radiation to
her brain didn't work so well and the cancer is spreading.  mommie knows
that she'll be with her for christmas and is hoping to make this the best
christmas yet for grandma.
speaking of mommie, she had another car accident.  she mush have magnets
on the back bumper of her car, just drawing people in to hit her!!!!!
Crazy huh?
i'm doing well and happy with my life across the Bridge.  i miss you all
and think of all my friends on earth all the time!!!
Love, Harley "Bug"
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
Donate to our shelter on-line
[Posted in FML issue 3983]