Kris Kriskius <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Forgive me for sounding rude, but I am a little confused.  You say you
>run a shelter?  Don't you have a little *nest egg* set aside for when
>these types of unexpected expenses arise? ...
Yes, you were certainly rude, no arguement there!
My heart and praises go out to ALL people who run shelters.  I have seen
firsthand how much money these people spend on the ferrets that "other"
people can't or won't support any longer and they take them in, feed
them, test them, nurse them, and pay very high medical bills.
Mine came from a shelter and they had to have adrenal surgeries, very
expensive.  Plus a lot of shelters owners don't work high paying jobs
because they stay home to nurse and be caretakers to so many homeless
If these human angels occasionally run out of funds, it is understandable
and acceptable.  Unless you have stayed home and sacrificed your life and
your time to give the care that one else is providing to save these
beautiful creatures, then I think it is time to leave ferret-saints like
Kim and all the others alone, and examine your heart and your own soul
and stop judging them by your questionable standards.
And of course, they resond to the FML for support, that is what we are
all about.  Have you tried to get a federal grant to run a ferret shelter
that is a nonprofit organization?  I didn't think so.  Most all the money
for these shelters come from their own pocket.  Do pay for the food, toys
and medical bills for homeless animals out of the kindness of your OWN
Pointing the finger at specific people is rude and very personal.  As
a good friend of Kim's, and knowing firsthand her situation (which you
obviously haven't a clue) I will defend her and her shelter--and all
the other shelters.
[Posted in FML issue 3986]