first i want to wish every one all the very best in 2003
and to offer my heart felt condolences to all who have sick little
fuzzies or who have lost their little darling,
>>>and to Sally, I know my little Miss Link will watch out for your little
angel, and give her lots of love, for that is just how miss link is.
>>>Miss Link crossed over the rainbow bridge on Dec 19th/02 but i know she
is with friends and has no pain or sickness, and that she waits for me.
Thank you to every one who wrote with kind words when miss link made her
as for the Bandit Poem, I really enjoyed sharing it with every one, also
a big thank you to David for the poem he sent me, I just love it
I am so glad that i joined this mailing list, the people i have met here
are just the greatest, but then i have found that ferret people are the
best wishes to every one
[Posted in FML issue 4013]