>That was last night.  This morning while I had them out of their condo,
>the two errant fuzzies spent their whole time running from door to door
>to check to see if they could escape.  Do I have a mutiny on my hands?
>My sweet fuzzies!
I had such a fun time with Houdini when he was alive.  I wanted him to be
able to run outside, so we trained him to a harness.  Then we attached
one of those little plastic toy trucks so we could locate him on the
lawn.  It was very light and he'd run all over with it.  When we needed
to find him we'd look in the bushes for the truck.  Houdi would be curled
up by it fast asleep.  Since we live in Maryland he didn't go out long in
the winter and those little paws only went out in the snow once.  We
still have his truck.  If you are not used to being accountable for an
animal outside it helps to set a timer to remind you to "save" your pet.
Houdini had water and food set up by the steps so he could return to them
as he needed.  Also fuzzies should not be left out in direct sunlight for
any long periods of time.
Thank you for all of the get-well cards for my hubby.  His surgery went
very well.  They had to reconstruct his spine.  We'd bring the fuzzies
into his room each night and he'd have to move his head down to look at
them--instant therapy!  Calvin would demand petting so Tim would have to
move his left hand (the one with the weakness)to pet him.  God bless
little Calvin!
Warmly ~
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[Posted in FML issue 3985]