I just wanted to say I haven't posted nearly as much as I'd like to
because of one reason or another (hmmm, life?  LOL), but I am really
hoping after the holidays & things calm down, I can participate more
often.  I really enjoy reading everyone's posts & being a part of these
groups.  They really are a wonderful place to learn from & in most
cases, seek support & friendship from.
And forgive me for not personalizing this more (I'm on several lists),
but to all the moderators of the lists, I want to say thank you for
starting the groups & for all the hard work you do everyday.  We
appreciate it!!!
I sincerely hope you all have a very BLESSED & SAFE holiday season!
God bless,
Angie and housefull of blessings:
7 ferrets, 5 cats, 2 dogs, 1 rabbit, fish, hubby, & 5 wonderful
children-- homeschooling & enjoying the outdoor wildlife & birds in our
NWF Backyard Habitat #30089, western NY!  (missing my Sparky cat)
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[Posted in FML issue 4007]