>Barb posted about the Zoo's sanctuary because she was concerned, not to
>cause the woman trouble.
For the second time I ask, what she is basing this opinion on?.  Has she
even been to zoo's shelter?
>Has Tucker had his surgery yet?  Seems to me if it was so urgent he get
>it, and you had the raffle to get the money that he should've gotten it.
>I don't know many vets that if you walked into their office with cash in
>hand would deny medical care.  Have you adopted out very many ferrets
>this year?
I've already answered this.  See the archives.  You don't know all vets
and for the record, Tucker's surgery will be coming up in the next couple
of weeks thanks to the donations I have recently received.  I have not
adopted out many ferrets this year.  Any that have however have gone to
>You admit that you don'tadopt out very often, yet there are shelters
>who can manage to adopt out ferrets.  Maybe you should ask Barb how she
>manages to find all these forever homes, I'm sure she'd help you!
You are sure of this huh?  What makes you so sure?  I'm sorry, but you
are definitely mistaken here.  Barb will never help me and furthermore
I do not need or desire her help.  I am perfectly comfortable with my
adoption procedures and the support I receive from fellow rescuers.
>For you to sit there and slam her in public for voicing a concern just
>makes m e realize how bitter you are towards her.
It's not a matter of being bitter.  Yes, we have a history because she
has publicly bashed me on a message board that I am locked out of.  Is
that fair?  I am harassed by email and my computer is hacked into.  Is
that fair?  FOR ANY REASON?  Funny that the same thing is happening to
Cathy Strobachy isn't it?  Maybe just coincidence?  I see the world in
either two categories.  Good and evil.  I don't support evil.
The matter is Barb publicly bashing a shelter that she has never been
to.  Second time for this question too.  WHY?  When will Barb herself
ever answer this question?  Somehow she found the time to write that
slanderous post but now she can't answer one simple question, WHY?  Funny
how when that question is posed it is never responded to.  You obviously
do not know everything there is to know about Barb and I suggest you use
caution in your dealings with her.
>You say that the article isn't going to validate puppy mills,collectors
>and cat people?  Let me explain something to you, these people do NOT
>think they are doing anything wrong.  This article makes Zoo look like a
>hero, ...
People like Jen Morrison have a mental illness.  There is a big
difference betwee n that and rescuing, a BIG difference.
>What concerns me the most, is what happens when a whole bunch of her
>ferrets need medical care at the same time..  can she afford it?
This has already been discussed.  Please pull the archives on this
one also.  I think if you read her website you will see that she has
afforded many ferrets medical care.  It is obvious to me that she has
the resources to do so.
>What happens if for some reason she can't take care of them..  is there
>going to have to be another rescue like the Utah rescue?  I realize she
>loves her ferrets, nobody has said she doesn't.  I also don't think that
>she should hav e 501(c) if she doesn't request donations.  Obviously the
>people that were sending her donations were doing so out of the goodness
>of their hearts and not for a tax break.
These questions are all typical when another shelter is being bashed by
Barb.  By calling her a collector and a hoarder it IS accusing her of not
loving the ferrets.  Who said her supporters were just in it for a tax
break?  This is what I'm talking about.  Everything get's twisted up to
make Cathy Strobachy look bad.  WHY?
>I am ALL for rescues and shelters, I support them 100%
Except for the shelters that Barbara bashes, correct?
>I'm not againest shelters and rescues getting donations and help..  I'm
>not even againest people asking for help with their personal ferrets..
>I think however to get 501(c) to help out your personal ferrets is
>wrong..  and they ARE her personal ferrets..  she isn't adopting them
>out she is keeping them forever..does she take them out to schools,
>shows, etc..  and educate people with them?  It's frustrating to know
>there are shelters struggling to get 501 (c) yet someone can get them
>for their personal pets.
Look at the ferrets she takes in.  Abused, neglected and sick constitutes
about 85% of them.  You can't have it both ways without sounding
hypocritical.  You can't say that you support shelters and then say that
certain shelters don't deserve 501c3 status.  They are not her personal
ferrets and it does not make her a hoarder.  When ferrets are ill or
elderly they are deemed "unadoptable".  I hate that word personally
because I am willing to take them in but can understand why some one else
wouldn't.  Most people don't want to buy into a financial burden.  Nobody
wants to get emotionally attached to an animal that is going to pass on
soon.  (As if a ferret's life isn't already short enough).  Cold and hard
but an unfortunate fact.  The community needs more people like Cathy
Strobachy.  She cares for the ill and elderly.  She bears the financial
AND emotional burden.  Do YOU know what it's like to have several ferrets
pass on in less than a year?  An animal that you have rescued from abuse
and neglect.  To love it and care for it knowing that someone has
previously mistreated it or knowing their time is limited?  Put yourself
in the animal's shoes.  You are in a cage....most of the time.  No play,
no run time.  The human you wait for all day long approaches you and your
heart leaps at the thought of being given the attention and love you
deserve.  You are unceremoniously plucked from your cage and tormented
by someone not of their right mind....Gee, you notice, his breath sure
smells funny.  (Alcohol)  When you bite to defend yourself you are thrown
into a wall as punishment and injured.  You lay hurting, physically and
emotionally wondering what you did wrong.  Now, because you are a BAD
ferret with a "biting problem", you must go.  Without a second's notice,
you are separated from the only companion you know and love (your cage
mate), stuck in a crate and shipped down the road not knowing what will
befall you next.  Can you even begin to imagine the trauma of a situation
like this?  Forget Cathy Strobachy.  Put yourself in the ANIMAL'S SHOES!
The next thing you know , you are in a stranger's arms.  A strange
person, strange surroundings but the treatment is a little better.  You
settle down taking comfort in the fact that you are no longer being
subject to abuse....A few weeks later it's back to the carrier for
another long ride to destinations unknown and the process repeats itself
until you finally reach your final destination.  Another stranger, a
strange carrier, and another long ride.  Do you think that this animal is
just a little confused, bewildered and scared?  Just a little bit?????
Somehow though he knows that this human is different.  He greets her with
kisses.  The human comments that there is no way this animal has been
abused.  There must be some mistake but you happily go to a place where
the abuse will end and he will get everything he deserves.  He arrives
confused and scared at first but settles in.  In a few days he is dooking
and dancing...a few weeks later there is a surprise for him....his former
cage mate.  They are reunited...this time for life.  They are together,
safe and happy and for life.  Both overcome their biting problem...to an
extent.  The big boy will never accept the touch of a man again.  When
held by a man he bites viciously, drawing blood, all the while trembling
with fear at what will be done to him for biting the human.  Do you think
for one minute that I am going to subject this animal to another
upheaval?  Think again.  He and his deaf companion are here...to stay.
Since there seems to be a hang up on politically correct terminology
regarding the status of these ferrets let's decide now what they should
be called.  Is it A) personal ferret B) rescue C) permanent resident of a
rescue.  Let's decide now because this is the actually story of two of my
ferrets.  Silver Vanilla Flopsy Furzilla and Princess .  They are here to
stay and I am proud to say so.  Do you know what it's like to be up all
hours of the night hand feeding and medicating these animals?  You can
not even begin to imagine this unless you have done rescue yo urself.  It
is only then that you can say you understand what rescues go through.
>Kim you said that other shelters and rescues should line up to get
>slammed..  I think maybe you should look in the mirror and realize that
>you are guilty of slamming people and shelters as well.  You've slammed
>the people on Pooflingers on the FML when they didn't say anything about
>you here.
I do look in the mirror...every day and am quite comfortable with myself
thank you.  I've "slammed" the Pooflingers here?  I DEFENDED myself here
because I am being bashed behind my back on a site that I have been
banned from.  That, in my book is cowardly...and they have said things
about me here AND in private emails.  I deserve the right to defend
myself and not sit here like a witch at the stake.  I also feel a
responsibility to the members and rescues of the FML and do not want
them to go through what I have.
>You're slammed Barb Clay for voicing a concern.  You slam Rocky's.You've
>slammed people who question your shelter, when all they've done is ask a
>question.  I suppose I'll be the next on your list!
Who have I slammed for asking a question?  I have not "slammed" Barb for
"voicing a concern".  You call that a mere voicing of a concern?  It's
more of a hit and run IMO.  It is totally irresponsible to publicly
make such accusations without a reason to back it up.  Where are the
reasons???  What prompted this post, Barb?  I don't want to here from
any more of her "supporters".  I want to hear from Barb herself.  Take
some responsibility for what you write.
I personally wanted to put this matter on the back burner until after the
holidays.  I responded to this because I was requested to do so and have
the utmost respect for BIG who keeps this list open to EVERYONE and
sacrifices a huge amount of his time to make this forum happen.  I also
feel a responsibility to all the readers of this list.  For that reason,
I hope I have answered adequately.  Anything else on this topic will not
be answered to until after the New Year.
Keeping it Merry,
Kim and the kids at SUMS
[Posted in FML issue 4006]