>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Dead kits  :-(
>Is letting newborn ferrets starve to death a common practice, if the
>young jill does not produce milk?  I know that they can be saved if
>you choose to feed them every 2 hours, right?
>I am sure there are breeders on this list.  What would you do?
there is more to feeding kits every two hours.  The ferrets have to be
purped and encouraged to poop and kept clean.  A small litter can be
saved, but a large litter would require round the clock hand feeding,
something not all breedeers with full time jobs can commit too.
Sometimes another breeder or local volunteer can be called.  No sleep
for two weeks until you can get the kits started on a highly liquid
version of duck soup if tough.
What most breeders do is foster the kits with another jill.  Local
breeders pool resources and compare notes so they know who they can
call if they need to foster a litter
Anyone who knows more than I do, jump in and correct my mistakes.
[Posted in FML issue 4006]