I want to start out by wishing everyone a wonderful holiday and thanks to
all those who over the past year have offered advice and support.  I do
not know what we would have done without the help of the many fine ferret
people out there.
In the spirit of the holiday, I am making a plea for those in the Western
Oregon area to please open your home to a new fuzzy if you can.  Tara
Radford posted that Chris at the Oregon Ferret Shelter has a huge amount
of ferrets in her care, about 150, many of which have medical or social
problems.  Tracy at FROS and I offered to transport some of these guys
to her virtually empty shelter, where she has a large amount of food and
liter, and where she has taken overflow from Chris before, but it is
apparently the policy of the Oregon Ferret Shelter to not release ferrets
to shelters that are not in their network of shelters.  Chris has
requested that we refer people directly to her for adoptions, she feels
this is the best possible way to help.  So my plea is that if you have
room in your heart and home, please consider adopting, this has to be a
huge task for her to undertake, with all the shelter ferrets, her
breeders and adv positive kids.  Her e-mail is [log in to unmask] .
Merry Christmas,
[Posted in FML issue 4006]