Regarding your comment to the man who was trying to find a way to keep
his ferts from "having bowel movements" in the wrong place, I would
suggest that you try and be a little kinder, i.e., easy up man!  Don't
sit there and slam someone, because they tried to correct a behavioral
issue, and it wasn't up to your "standards" or thinking.  We are all
entitled to "learning" - but usually learn better, with CONSTRUCTIVE
criticism, or even gentle advice.  We as children, possibly learned, to
"dump the nose and a lite tap on the butt" - with our other animals.  I
know that is what my parents did, when the dog had an accident.  To sit
here and watch you slam that person, who simply asked for help - is
wrong.  Perhaps a suggestion of something else, would have been more
likely to help.
My suggestion is to use the "puppy pads" and put them in the places where
the ferts seem to have their "defecating" issue.  The one thing you
didn't offer is the fact that ferrets have a very short digestive
system, and when they have to go, they go.  Teaching people - instead
of "slamming" them,.  tends to work much better.  I don't agree either,
with dumping the nose in it, however, you could be kinder, when offering
suggestions.  Please don't get upset with my post - just file it, under
the "constructive criticism file ok?  Have a super day!!
[Posted in FML issue 4005]