Hey everyone :)  The integration between Noodles, Rosie, and Mojo hasn't
been so hot lately and I've been trying hopelessly for the last 6 months
to get noodles and mojo to even tolerate eachother.  Today I give up..
they'll just have to be separated for good.  Noodles was behind my
dresser (underneath) snoozing while Rosie and Buckie were chasing
eachother through the tubes.  Buckie ran behind the dresser and Rosie
followed.  The next thing I knew was high pitched screams like someone
was being seariously hurt...I'm frantically trying to reach behind the
dresser in hopes of grabbing the culprit, but my hand is greeted with a
warm wet fear poop...eww...I finally snatched Noodles and the poor girl
was shivering :( I dont think she liked it when Rosie woke her up!  I
checked all 3 of them out and cleaned the poo off them and the dresser
and me and the walls and put everyone up for a little bit to cool down.
whew!  Anyone know how to block off a fuzzy from going behind and
underneath a dresser?  without drilling holes in the dresser?
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
[Posted in FML issue 4005]