There are four possible reasons for the ferret to bite like that.
1. I've found that often a ferret who bites like that is in pain with an
ear infection.  She needs to be seen by a vet immediately to rule that,
or other health concerns out.
2. She's been abused, and feels that all humans are going to harm her,
so it's a preemptive strike.
3. She's terrified, possibly due to #2.
4. She's jsut got a not so nice personality.
Once you've ruled out a medical problem, the only way to "cure" her is
through time.  Offer her a treat as you pick her up, every time.  Do this
a couple/few times a day.  I have a girl in the shelter who's been with
us for six years, only in the past 18 months or so has she begun to trust
my husband and myself.  She'll still tear into the pet sitter or any
other "stranger".  Respect her, if she doesn't want to be held, put her
down.  Don't use any of teh "normal" bite training methods on her, if
she's been abused in teh aspt it will only make rher worse.  Instead use
gentle reassurance through the offering of treats and never yelling at
her for biting.  When she bites, simply tell her no in a sharp tone (but
low volume) and put her in the cage.  GOod luck.
[Posted in FML issue 4005]