I hope you will all find this comforting, as I did.  When my dear ferret
boy Jake died in the early hours of Thanksgiving, I could still feel him
receiving the Reiki energy I was giving him even after his breathing and
heart had stopped.  I have been thinking about this since, and I am sure
that the true Jake, the one that is more than a body, was still needing
support as he left his body and moved on to the next life.
To explain why I am sure of this... It isn't possible to give Reiki to
nothing or to someone who doesn't want it.  I gave Reiki once to a man
who didn't want it.  He was in a group of people attending an Intro to
Reiki session in which I went around the circle giving a sample of what
Reiki feels like by putting my hands on people's shoulders for a few
minutes.  (Like I did for you folks who were at my table at the Forum at
the Falls.) When I came to this man, I couldn't feel a thing happening in
my hands, and sure enough, he said afterwards that he didn't want Reiki.
Once when I sent distance Reiki at night to a ferret who was dying, I
sent him Reiki again first thing the next morning... and he just wasn't
there.  I called my friend, and she said that he had died hours before.
When I am giving Reiki to anyone and the area my hands are treating has
had enough Reiki, the amount of energy I feel in my hands lessens a lot
or even ceases.
But when I kept my hand on Jake after he had died, the energy was still
so very strong, almost painful.  I didn't understand why, I even wondered
momentarily if he was still alive and just peaceful, but I did keep my
hand on him for a while.  I am sure God was using me to help him
transition from one life to the next.  If this happens again (as I am
afraid it will... or maybe I hope it will because I can tell how much
receiving Reiki helps them while they are dying) I will keep my hand on
the little body until the energy subsides and I know the spirit has gone
Someone said once -- in response to the scornful question, 'You don't
seriously believe that your body has a soul, do you?' -- 'I believe that
I AM a soul who temporarily has a body.'  This experience was a small
confirmation for me of this great truth.
Reiki Master & Karuna Reiki(tm) Master
* * * Reiki Distance Healing * * *
For You and Your Animal Companions
[Posted in FML issue 3985]