I finally finished the 3 shelters and Johnny Angel goodies.  They made it
in the afternoon mail yesterday.  I tried to make sure there was extra
toys, 1 of the boxes there was 2 extra hammies that was sent to me by
Suzanne V. that she made (she did a wonderful, beautiful job on them)
I know that she would love to know that the hammies went to some very
special ferrets, that needed to know that they were Loved.  My girls made
sure that they were in the box.  Now I will be sewing up more hammies in
the new year after I get some more battering and flannel.  I cut out over
140 outside covers back in Sept, and put them into piles of 10 and put
them into the box so all I have to do is grab them.  Out of the material,
black with colorful flowers, I made myself a vest and skirt.  So 2 of the
shelter has hammies to match my outfit.
Marie and Jim (Angels on the Island) The 4 Most Wonderful Fur Kidlets
[Posted in FML issue 4004]