Hey Kat I hear you loud and clear and I'll stick my head right out there
with yours (what a sight that'll be) LOL
I am relatively new to "ferretdom".  Last January, a little tiny monster
of a fuzzball was in a local petstore.  Something compelled me to keep
visiting him.  Now, you have to understand that before I met this little
one I really *gasp* had not given ferrets a second thought, in spite of
the fact that over the years I've had dogs, cats, reptiles, birds..  you
name it.  I visited him continuously - 3 - 4 times a week, and was
watching him grow up in what I now perceive to be less than adequate
surroundsings (glassed tank..  shavings).  This little one called out to
my HEART in a way an animal has never done before.  Yes... Bailey was an
impulse buy.  I bought... then absolute devoured everything I could
online and off about ferrets... muddled my way through until I joined a
fabulous rescue society here, and have since adopted three more and am
fostering two!  This has been my "year of the ferret' for sure, and I can
assure you that Bailey is the most laid back sweetheart cuddler of a
ferret that ever was.  He's exceptional, and thats not just my "mom"
aspect talking.
Point is, if that little one hadnt "called" to my heart, I never would
have joined the wacky wonderful world of being a slave to these little
fuzzbutts!  I love every second of being with them, and hope that they
feel the same about me!!!
Because of Bailey, the petshop boy, 3 more have their forever homes with
me, and two "fosters" have arrived to tug at my heartstrings too!
By the way... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAILEY BOY.  Its my "firstbest's" birthday
today...one year old, and all i can do is thank the powers that be for
bringing this little one into my life and giving me one of the most
wonderous years I've ever had.  Hugs all.
[Posted in FML issue 3960]