Hi Everyone,
In light of this week being Thanksgiving, I thought I'd start a new
thread and post what I'm Thankful for.  Here goes:
1. The 3 lights of my life: CJ, Cindy, & Pete (and the happiness they
   bring me)
2. The FML (I've learned so much over the years)
3. The nice people who offered to watch my guys while I will be away
   (thanks Jackie!)
4. My family and friends
5. My health (& the fuzzies)
6. I live in the USA
7. All the silly things the aforementioned lights of my life do...
 ...and the list could go on and on but these were what came to mind.
Hope other's will add their's, too!
Happy Thanksgiving, All!
Jennifer, CJ, Cindy, & Pete, thankfully in Phoenix (where there's no snow
& it's 80 degrees today) ;-)
[Posted in FML issue 3977]