I'm new to the list I was a former member of the FMHL anyway, I miss that
group and all the great information we exchange in order to give the best
care to are babies.
I wondered if anyone has had an obeste ferret, well that's what the vet
just said to me about Bandit, my first ferret.  He's 4'2lbs and the
weight is putting alot of pressure on his organs and he whimpers alot....
the pred doesn't help matters but there I have no alternative.  Anyway,
Bandit has been eating baby food for the last year, he close to never
touches his dry food, he will go 12 hours without touching his dry food,
that is why I always make sure he eats, so I feed him the babyfood.  I
have cut back on the babyfood less food and instead of two feedings I
give him three.  I'm afraid with his insulinoma I don't want him not to
eat, I'm afraid just to leave the dish down and hope he eats, I can't
do that.  I was wondering if anyone had advice for me and Bandit, diet
suggestions, exercise or the like.  Another thing is Bandit never drinks,
I do add water to his babyfood but aside from that he never touches water
even when he looks so thirsty.  Sometimes I wonder if it has to do with
his eyesight, he's blind now and seems more confused.
Please Help
[Posted in FML issue 3975]