Mmmm, I don't know about that number.  I just saw an episode on Animal
Planets' Emergency Vets where a ferret presented with anaphalatic shock
from a vaccine.  They acted like it was most unusual and rare.  They
stated there there can a be a reaction in 1 in 1000 ferrets.  Now, I'm
not a vet.  I'm not even that experienced.  But I surely have seen a
higher rate that that!.
Oddly, I never saw a reaction to the canine distemper years and years
ago... but I didn't have enough ferrets to state that this was a
representative example.  It was a small enough sample to have been a
fluke.  But I have had enough fervacs in years to feel as if I can say
something about that.  I feel like there is a much, much higher rate than
what was stated on TV.  Those vets are pretty much on the ball, and if
they seemed a bit stunned and dumbfounded, I can't imagine the average
vet.  I know I had to convince my vets that it was wise to premedicate my
ferrets with Benedryl despite the fact that they have seen two reactions
in two years (out of about 14 shots).  They still think I'm anal and a
hyperchondriac for doing this.
In any case, would anyone know what the rate for reaction is to fervac?
And even what about the rabies vaccine, just out of curiousity?  I know
they still need them, boy don't turn this post around to sounding like I
am an alarmist, or that I am paranoid about these vaccines.  No, quite
the contrary.  But I do believe that vets might be a bit misinformed out
there about the possibility of reactions... about the fact that they
should be premedicated... and that just because you stay in the office
for 30 min after a reaction won't happen.
(sorry for the cross-posting)
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[Posted in FML issue 3968]