It took me all day to write this e-mail, well the final version anyway.
BIG surely would've rejected my first dozen attempts.  LOL.  They were
not suitable for the FML.  I have to make a serious effort to NOT write
when my emotions are extreme.  Doing otherwise would disallow me to get
my message across effectively.  But I will say that I'm not one to take
up causes at the drop of a hat.  I have to be very sure that the cause
is worthy of my efforts - kinda like picking and choosing your battles.
I stand firm in my support of the GCFA.  I am not a GCFA spokesperson.
My recounting of the situation is MY view.
I had the pleasure of speaking with Noreen, GCFA's elected president,
tonight.  She phoned me just as I was about to send an off-the-cuff
e-mail to the FML.  It was perfect timing.  Thank you, Noreen.  The call
was not needed, but appreciated nonetheless.  We spoke for just over an
hour, and what an incredibly revealing hour it was.  One of the things I
learned was that GCFA has the full capability to defend themselves very
well against most of Lisette's accusations if they wanted to.  I urged
them to.  They do not want to sling mud at Lisette or hurt her in anyway.
An honorable choice, one that I would have difficulty making in their
position.  But I would expect that from the people there.
I have learned that many people on the FML are quick to jump on a
bandwagon without knowing where the wagon was going or where it was
coming from.  I saw it from a few people who attacked the GCFA today.  At
least one of those attackers is a dear friend of mine.  Some people are
easily swayed by one person or another.  People can get wrapped up in
another person's emotions, especially if that person has been a friend
to them.  The sad thing is that when something like this happens (the
break-up of Lisette and the GCFA again), people are rarely given all the
facts.  I would venture to say that if you were to look at the two
extreme sides, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.  Another
thing is that both parties get hurt and there REALLY REALLY is no need
for it.  The saddest part is that the end result only hurts the ferrets.
I urge some of you to step back and take a look at the BIG picture.  It's
difficult to believe what we don't want to believe.  We all have a right
to our opinions.  I'd like to reveal a few things that might allow some
of you to make your decisions and voice your opinions based more on fact,
than emotion.  I will hold back the particulars (which is oooh so
hard!!), because I'm hoping the GCFA will come forward with their
thoughts after Thursday's board meeting.
The GCFA is guilty of only one thing.  Severe disorganization.  They are
using this incident to regroup themselves and hopefully prevent future
misunderstandings.  There has never been misappropriation of any funds.
Truth be known, the Treasurer and her husband (accused by Lisette of
stealing GCFA funds) have donated generously and consistently over the
years.  These people have no need to steal.  Nor is it of their
character.  I am now certain that Lisette's conversation with Norm was
taken out of context.  It is a clear cut example of the left hand not
communicating with the right hand.  Unfortunately, it DOES make the GCFA
look bad and they see that now.  They won't deny that this was dealt with
poorly.  But theft and fraud?  Please.  Only in your wildest imagination.
There is so much I want to reveal to you, but it is not my place.  I will
say that Lisette has left out NUMEROUS facts in her posts to the FML.
Facts that would get many of you to stop and actually think about what's
going on.  Some of her accusations are outright false, like the GCFA
ignoring her.  They have never been out of contact with her.  Some of you
detective-type folks may have found some inconsistencies in her posts.  I
found them and when I checked them out, I discovered the truth.  Lisette
is a good, kind person with a big heart.  But her emotions are clearly
clouding her reality.  This doesn't make her a bad person.  She just
needs time to straighten this out in her head.  Have any of you ever been
good friends with a "couple"?  When they get into an argument, one of
them may confide in you.  I know my instinct is to give that person a big
hug and validate all those negative feelings (you know, "THAT BASTARD!").
But I try not to take sides and to get that person to look at all views.
It's hard when you like both parties.
The memorial cage idea was wonderful, but it didn't come to fruition.
I had to ask the GCFA how they can possibly explain the missing
bodies/ashes of Lisette's two ferrets.  I was a little steamed and
confused about that.  What I heard was that Lisette lost two of her
precious babies, but didn't want the ashes back from the vet.  Instead
she wanted their names on a plaque on a GCFA memorial cage.  I guess
that's what she meant.  I feel bad for her, but that's a choice she made.
Personally, I would want the ashes back no matter what, but that's just
me.  I'm told that Norm says Lisette never physically handed him any
money designated for a memorial cage.  Someone should verify that if they
need to.  She did send a check in the mail for the memorial cage, but the
note was separated form the check during the handling.  BTW, I'd be
interested in hearing from other memorial cage contributors.  So far, I
know of only Lisette and another person.  I thought Lisette said there
were many people out there.  Please step up so that the GCFA may address
your situation directly.....and they will.
There were also some strong words from someone about the GCFA being cruel
and evil.........something about hell coming down on their heads.
Whatever.  Yes, they have a lot of ferrets.  No, they don't get a lot of
play time.  It's a temporary home.  If you have a solution to the
problem, please step up, but don't be a part of the problem.  Most of you
have no idea what it's like to handle the care of 75-100 ferrets at a
time.  It's a concept you will not be able to grasp.  The GCFA DOES now
work with other shelters.  They do accept help from reputable sources and
they will continue to do so.  But they don't know everyone out there, so
they take their time making sure it's a shelter and not a collector.
They have made a positive step towards lowering their numbers by trusting
the hands that are extended to them.  They never claimed to be perfect.
They are learning, as we all do every day.  So, please don't sputter out
falsehoods to further fuel the fire.  They may not announce it on the
FML, but they do ask for help when they need it.
Lisette's accounts of what happened at the ferret show are also quite
different from the accounts of several people I spoke with.  Perhaps she
or the GCFA will share that with the FML members.
Lisette, I ask you to please reflect on your recent posts to the FML and
come forward with all of the facts.  People like you and look up to you
because of your passion and kindness.  It is unfair to take advantage of
that.  It is unfair to damage the reputation of a wonderful organization
because of your hurt and anger.  Your feelings are your feelings, but you
are only hurting the ferrets and yourself.  You are not the victim you
portray yourself as.
I stop reading the FML when I see this type of crap going on.  I know
that both sides are usually slanted to their own benefit, so I leave it
at that.  However, this is more than a slant.  Lisette has inserted a
steep incline in her stories.  I feel the need to level it out a bit.
Hopefully, both the GCFA and Lisette can come out on top and without
permanent injuries.  My fear, however, is that the wounds are too deep.
The damage may be irreversible.  It's really a shame.
Kim Schilling
[Posted in FML issue 3966]