Joy writes
>I was posting this to know if there is any fuzzie owners or lovers that
>live in ohio that would like to be penpals through email?  I'm in ohio
>and would love to get to know more fuzzie owners.
Yep, there are several FMLers in Ohio!  I'm about 35 miles southwest of
Cleveland.  Where are you?
>I want something like dirt or sand, something solid
>like.  I just don't want it to be messy and they need a bath everytime
>they play in it.  I just wasn't sure what could be used that will be
>safe for them.
How about dried beans?  I have a friend who babysits my guys that has
both a rice box and a bean box.  When my ferrets go there on "vacation",
they LOVE playing in both boxes.  The beans (she uses kidney beans) are
less likely to get kicked out of the box or be ingested by the fuzzies.
Give it a try!
Linda Iroff
Oberlin OH
[Posted in FML issue 3966]