As a long-time member/supporter of the G.C.F.A., I would just like to
throw my two cents in here, because I feel it necessary.  First of all,
I can vouch for the G.C.F.A. as an outstanding organization and shelter,
that goes beyond the call of duty for their ferrets.  Secondly, the FML
is no forum for such garble, by a disgruntled individual who obviously
seems to have "gone postal".  One day she praises the GCFA, and the
next throws darts.  She takes it upon herself to be an "unofficial"
spokesperson for the GCFA, misinterprets ideas as official programs that
she can advertise and promote, and then has an irrational fit when the
idea, as good as it may be, doesn't materialize (through no fault of the
GCFA).  I'm sorry, but Lisette's words were misappropriated, and also
slanderous!  I think anyone who knows the GCFA, and the people who make
it work, will realize these disorganized words of attack, are from an
overly emotional individual with personal problems that shouldn't be
directed toward a non-profit organization, who only has homeless ferrets
as their #1 priority.
Phyllis Berker
[Moderator's note: I spoke to a couple of GCFA people regarding this.
I certainly agree that they put ferrets first -- I don't think that
was ever in question.  The issue was if the GCFA's behaviour in this
instance was or was not ethical.  Readers will have to decide this for
themselves (or just skip the posts if they prefer ;-))  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3965]