>Yes, go adopt shelter ferrets!  They need homes!  They deserve homes!
>Just don't put down or chastise those who do or have done pet store
>rescues.  Why?  Because sometimes you ARE meant to bring that ferret
>home.  When the situation hits you that hard, it's because you were put
>there to help that ferret, and because you needed eachother.  If that
>sounds wishy washy, well, then, I'm all wishy-washy and proud to be just
>My point is..  do what you feel you must do.  Do it because doing
>anything else would be denying what you HAVE to do....
Hi Melissa ~
This is so cool.  I got my Miss Jazz from a pet store.  She had been
there for weeks and was so hyper I thought I'd never calm her down.
Calvin we got from a shelter.  I can't imagine not having them both.
They both "spoke" to me as I found them.  And yes, it was meant to be,
so you make a very good point.
Warmly ~
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
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[Posted in FML issue 3964]