Good Morning All,
Prayer's and Good Thoughts to all who have lost a Fuzzie or Animal
recently and to all those ill and homeless Fuzzie's and Animal's.
On the subject of pet store Fuzzie's I just have to put my two cents in
on this subject.  As far as I'm concerned if you purchase a fuzzie from
a pet store it is considered a rescue because eventually that fuzzie you
purchased will end up in a shelter anyway.  Purchasing these babie's will
not stop pet stores from selling them because there are just too many
unknowledgeable ferret people that buy these babie's because they are
soooo cute and there little child will just love it.  Eventually there
child gets bored with the fuzzie and the parents don't want to take care
of it so where does it end up at, the closest Ferret Shelter of course or
even worse possibly abused, negelected, or let go to fend for themselves.
So you see purchasing a fuzzie from a pet store is the same as a
rescue!!!!  I will not let anyone make me feel guilty because I might
purchase a fuzzie from a store.  I will also adopt from a shelter and
have done so.  As of now I have only one fuzzie that I have bought from
a store.  My other babie's were rescues.
A Fuzzie is a Fuzzie no matter where you get it from and ALL Fuzzie's
deserve the same amount of love, attention, and care, and should not be
discriminated against because they come from a pet store.
Dawn and the Terrible Two's Gang, Trouble, Rosy, and Fat Boy Joey and the
new Fuzzbutt Dru :-) Still Missing my Tazy Terribly !!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3964]