Attention: All War Weasel Clans ( AKA Scottish Ferret Busynessesssssss).
All of you lads (hobs) and lasses (jills) owned by the we folks of
Scottish decent please check in for the Ferret Highland Games.
We'll be havin lots sword war dancin, war marchin, rubber marching bands,
tossin o the straw, kong tosses, plastic bag races, bell ball obstacle
courses, lot of hobs in kilts, Scots o kissin booths by the jills booths,
plenty of eats, bangers, tarts both the eatin and lovin kind, raisins for
you Yanks and of course there'll be plenty of mugs o ferrettone for all.
If you are owned by lads or lasses of Scottish decent please belly up to
the ferrettone bar and reveal their clan names, expose them for all the
world to know they are of hearty stock!  Ei Ei
Frankie & Poncho MacLeod
Kim MacLeod the Oregon one, 2nd Generation American
Kim Reyes
Associate Broker
John L. Scott Real Estate
Direct:  (503) 380-4195
Toll Free 1-877-490-2595
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[Posted in FML issue 3962]