Hi, Crystal-try this: Get a feeding syringe or just a 3cc oral syringe
(no needles) from your vet if possible (we are always willing to do that,
and if they want to charge you, that's okay, but it shouldn't be more
than a few cents) and put the hairball remedy into that.  (I think 3cc
syringes are easier to manage with this stuff than just a 1cc one.)
Scruff Stinky, then stick the end of the syringe into the corner of her
mouth and kind of shoot it down her throat, a bit at a time if she gags.
She may still hate it, but it's much more likely to actually get a decent
amount into her with less mess and less fuss.
"There's nary an animal alive that can outrun a greased Scotsman."
-Groundskeeper Willy, "The Simpsons"
[Posted in FML issue 3961]