Hello :o)
Condolences to all who have lost their precious ones to the Rainbow
Bridge, and TONS of wellness wishes for all the ill ones for a speedy
recovery :o)
Here's my piece of Renee's Halloween poem...
3 Little ferrets came to a mountain.
They dug and they dug - and found a hidden fountain!
One Ferret snuck off to get a better view,
He found a place to doze - and then there were two.
I can't wait to get the rest of the pieces and put it all together!!
Thanks Renee, and everyone else that was part of the Halloween Card
Exchange.  It was my first, I had fun making my cards and is was cool
getting all the cards, notes and neat little gifts from people.  Thanks
So Much all :o)
Take care and cuddle your fuzzies
Brenda and the monsters 5
Fric, Tic, Tac, Toe, DaWeasel, and my Ferret Angel Frac :o)
[Posted in FML issue 3958]