on 11/5/02 4:00, sillygirl wrote:
>I want this bashing of my character to stop.  I did not say that
>everyone purchased their ferrets from pet stores.  I said that a lot
>or perhaps most people have.
Dear Sillygirl,
Just a word of advice, take it or leave it: Your posts have repeatedly
stated things that you later said you didn't mean, and you have then
criticized fmlers for misunderstanding you.  People have taken offense to
things YOU HAVE SAID, which is not character bashing.  If you want to be
clearly understood, please re-read your posts before you send them and
make sure your words clearly state your intent - even if it means putting
your post aside for a day until your emotions cool off, then re-reading
it for clarity.  Wouldn't that be better than having to defend yourself
many times over?
Nancy and critters
[Posted in FML issue 3958]