Hi folks,
I just wanted to thank everyone that voted for Fria in the contest at
Practical Pet Care.  She won last weeks contest!  This is the first time
that any of my gang has won any kind of contest.  Since you don't receive
any kind of special award type of thing like a little certificate, I'm
going to make her one to put with our photos.
I also wanted to mention that our website, The Hidey Hole at
http://www.hideyhole.org/ , now has a ferret forum at
http://www.hideyhole.org/yabb/YaBB.pl and a live chatroom at
http://www.hideyhole.org/cgi-bin/gtchat/chat.pl .
The forum and chatroom are still new, and so there won't necessarily be
people in chatting (although one of us might be in there as Ferretlover)
and there are no forum messages at this time, but feel free to post.  We
will answer any questions we can.
I'm still working on the hazards section for the site (I know, I'm waaay
behind on that).  But our site went down, and a large portion of the
database was lost, so I'm doing a big part of it over again.  We now have
a new host and are trying our best to get the show on the road again.
If anyone out there would be interested in giving me a hand with
the hazards (I have many hazards, but not all have ferret proofing
suggestions), please let me know.  I basically just want some pointers
on ideas for ferret proofing some of the hazards.
The calendar is back up at the site, but it's currently empty again.  If
anyone has events that could go on the calendar, please visit
http://www.hideyhole.org/calendar.php to add an event.
Also, I wanted to mention that we carved a pumpkin this year of one our
ferrets, Loki.  We used a picture that was a close up of her face, and
made a pattern from it to carve on our pumpkin.  I'm going to get the
picture of the pumpkin and the original picture of her to show the
comparison.  I'll do that in the next few days.  I'm really curious to
see what people think of it.
Well, gotta go for now.  Take care!
 Happy Dookin',
 The Hidey Hole Gang - http://www.hideyhole.org/
 Jen, Mike & The Critters
 The Ferrets - Loki, Fria, Jamocha, Vivi & Duke
 The Hedgehog - Punk
[Posted in FML issue 3957]