::An eerie silence fills the air, ferrets stand still as statues with
ears erect ... mist begins to fill the air, rolling in out of nowhere.
Then a great POOF::
::Waving off the remnants of the great poofing, a great woman in a
midnight blue robe holding a staff begins to speak...::
I am the Great Ferret Oracle of the Mystique Realm of Futzles, here
ye here ye!  I have graced the FML with my presence to address the
Anonymous Ferret Femme fatale in yesterdays post.  I will look far
into the future,, just for you and only for you.
::She looks about for something, something she desires...
  ahh there it is!::
::Bending down she scoops up ferret poop in the palm of her hand and with
a great motion, whops it back down on the ground with a great splat, the
surrounding ferrets scatter.::
Yes, it's all right here, Doodlebug's heart lies with Dippy that's true.
Two hearts, no matter how distanced couldn't be more true.  This Dippy
has a long list of boyfriends ... but I've checked the list, checked it
twice, you're name is not there, but else where.  I see an older, more
distinguished gent ... but a rascally type indeed.  He resides in the
state that's round on the ends and high in the middle.  He will treat
you right.  Your destiny could not be more obvious.  Alas, this Dippy has
the right idea, do not limit yourself ... explore, explore.  I see many
possibilites in the house of PolecatPappa, and more beyond.
::She casually wipes her hands on a passing ferret who angrily begins to
clean themselves.::
To answer you question, an Oracle is a person who a priestess of ancient
Greece, ( the land where many of your ancestors lie) speaks through.  A
wise one.  A respected one.
::She wipes her nose on her robe, and spits her gum out at a passing
annoyance called a Sukie::
That is what an Oracle is.  Now if you'll forgive me, I must rest as this
was very taxing.  I must go find a comfortable hammy.
Good bye, and no longer shall you feel lonely!
::She backs up, raises her butt, and with a mighty poof, disappears as
quickly as she came::
The Great Ferret Oracle
Wolfy's site has MOVED to:
[Posted in FML issue 3956]