I'll be off-line till Monday so if anyone needs to reach me, please call
my home at 1-785-456-8337.
Friday is our vet day for check-ups.  Scooter injured himself sometime
Saturday night/Sunday morning and is dragging his back end.  He was
examined by Travis on Monday, received a chiropractic treatment and
goes back Friday for a re-check and another adjustment.  We'll have
Larry do acupunture on him too.  He's eating well but I've not seen any
improvement so we'll have xrays done to see if there's a bone fracture.
Podey and Casper go on for a check-up, both have lost weight and less
playful.  Bubba and Tiny go in for melatonin implants.  Eros goes in
cause he vomits hairballs.  And I'll probably toss in a couple more just
for good measure.
Warm hugs. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart, F.B.S.
Ferret Family Services
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[Posted in FML issue 3980]