First I would like to send my Thoughts and Prayers to those who have lost
a Fuzzie or Animal recently and to those who are ailing and homeless.  My
wishes for the New Year is that all Fuzzie's and Animals find forever
loving homes and that they find cures for all those dreaded Fuzzie
I must share with all of you, my Fuzzie Family, what I am most Thankful
for this Thanksgiving.
1. First and Foremost I am THANKFUL TO GOD for keeping my Family safe
and Healthy for another.  Also for keeping my friend / sister Susy with
us this long and hopefully longer.
2. I am THANKFUL for the FML and Big for without them I would be lost as
far as being Ferret Knowledgeable.  THANK YOU BIG :-)
3. I am THANKFUL for my 2 special friends on the FML Pat DeRose and Kat
Parson's, they have seen me through some rough times in the past and
continue to do so now, they are VERY VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE and I LOVE YOU
GUY'S :-)
4. I am also THANKFUL for the other People on the FML like Sukie
Crandall, Judith White, Judy Cooke, and Troy Lynn Eckert, you all bring
so much information to all of us here on the FML and you are very caring
people.  There are others I would like to mention but for some reason
their names are escaping me, So THANK YOU ALL!!!
5. I am also THANKFUL to GOD for bringing these wonderful little Fuzzy
creatures we all know as Ferret's into my life and the lives of us all.
6. I am THANKFUL for not having another terriost attack done against us
so far and I Pray everyday that it won't happen again.
7. I am THANKFUL for the FREEDOM we have in our BEAUTIFUL Country and
just the Beauty of this Country alone is enough to be THANKFUL for.
8. I am THANKFUL for still having my Mother with me.
9. I am THANKFUL for being able to know my Friend / Sister Susy.  She
has always been a rock for me and even though she isn't owned by Fuzzie's
she LOVE'S my Babie's as much as I do, or close to it :-)  She is not my
blood sister but is closer to me then my own sister's so I consider her
my sister.  I pray for a miracle everyday for her as she has terminal
liver cancer and she could use all the prayer she could get!!!
10. Most of all I am THANKFUL for having been able to know and LOVE my
Tazy who went to the Bridge 1year and 8 months ago.  I still miss him
TERRIBLY but I know he is waiting for me at the Bridge :-)  I LOVE YOU
Well, I think I've bent your ears long enough :-)  I could go on and on
but won't.  I do have so much more to be THANKFUL for.
P.S. I am not a religious person by far but I do believe in GOD and the
Power of Prayer.  :-)
Dawn and the Terrible Two's Gang, Trouble, Rosy, and Fat Boy Joey and the
new Fuzzbutt Dru :-)  Still Missing my Tazy Terribly !!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3979]