Hey everyone.  Just dropping a line to "update" on how my fuzzies and
"confused cat" are doing.  My husband, being the pushover he is, allows
the fuzzies - everywhere he goes - and along with fuzzies, comes confused
kitten.  Well, he found out the other day - that perhaps it wasn't such
a great idea to allow them into the bathroom with him.  He was in the
bathroom, scrubbing the toilet.  In stalks Artemus, the crazy albino, and
trailing along behind him, was "confused kitten".  (hereafter known as
CK).  Artemus thought he would take a peek at the inside of the toilet -
to see what was going on (thank God it was cleaned) - well, little CK -
can't reach the top - so what does she do?  Yep.  She leapt up and SPLAT,
SPLISH, SPLASH.  Has anyone seen how a cat can bounce off water?
Hehehehe.  So - she bounces in and out within a half of a second - takes
one look at my husband and scales him like he was Mount Everest.  100 mph
- straight up to the top of his head, where she fell off and guess where
she landed?  Yep.  SPLAT, SPLISH, SPLASH!  Husband now gets smart, and
tries to escape - to no availe.  Artemus is dancing in and out of his
legs, Helena and Romulus dash in to see who is getting killed.... Kitten
is clambering up again.  Husband is screaming - KIM GET IN HERE AND HELP
ME!!@@@!!  Unfortunately for him, I was in hysterics on the bed, and
couldn't get up.
I told him to "rinse" CK (there were NO chemicals in the toilet - as he
was done cleaning it, but still.....ewww....).  So I hear the water come
on - hear kitten HOWL - hear husband scream again - and I finally made it
into the bathroom.  Husband is holding CK - (or was that CK holding
husband?) There they stand - kitten fully attached to arm as if she were
another appendage - blood dripping down hands - both soaked.  By the time
I was able to "peel" them apart - my little Artemus, decided Dad was
hurting his sister.  Toe chomping begins - blood dripping - ferret
flinging, kitten howling.  Where IS the video camera when you need it?
I finally disengaged all furries from bloody, soaking husband.  Mommy
completed the rinse (this time, the right way).  Done with that - I move
to husband who is now using words, I don't think were human at all....
bandages applied, ferrets removed.  As fuzzie owners, don't we have alot
of fun?  I think I better put off the idea of rescuing another ferret for
a while......hehehehe
Happy Turkey Day to all!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3978]