>In regards to the food, you will be aware that for both dogs and cats
>that high protein food is available for both puppies and kittens,
>because growing youngsters require a higher protein diet than adults.
>It is well known that the protein levels contained within the food
>designed for these youngsters is detrimental to the livers of elderly
Well, it had been expected that would also be true for ferrets, but
it may not be, though certainly ones with kidney disease benefit from
reductions.  It's just one among many of the ways that ferrets may differ
from other critters, and the jury is out the last time I heard a ferret
vet expound on it unless more was learned between then and now.
Heck, ferrets differ in a lot of ways, and then the have the early
neuters which make them differ more.  How many other creatures will you
find where a treated one with Complete A/V Heart Node Block can have the
lower rate in the mid to upper 50s and even be alive, let alone warm,
pink, and playing some each day?
Sevie gets her banana in an a/d "soup" which she loves and the word
"soup" is well known to her.  Last night we were holding her while
she enjoyed it during Bill Moyer's "More" when one of the men being
interviewed said "from soup to nuts".  Sevie must have thought that
he was a thief because she tensed, piloerected, threw her tail up into
the air as if she wanted to spray or at least show her bottlebrush,
and began eating all the faster!
>I'm new to the list I was a former member of the FMHL anyway, I miss
>that group and all the great information we exchange in order to give
>the best care to are babies.
Christina, What was the FMHL?
The FHL can be found at
if that is what you mean.  It isn't gone; Christopher relocated it
months ago.
[Posted in FML issue 3976]