It turns out Osiris had Juvenile Lymphosarcoma and there was nothing
anyone really could have done.  At least I now know what happened to him,
I just can't believe I lost him at only 6 months old.  Thank you so much
to all the people who took the time to write or send a postcard.  It
meant so much to me.  And although my eyes are still puffy and sore it
warmed my heart to hear such kind words and understanding.  I may have
only had him for a few months but he has changed me forever and he will
always be in my heart.  I got his body back from the vets today and
buried him in my mom's garden and covered his grave in flowers.  Awhile
ago someone posted about having got a ferret tattoo.  They mentioned
they had the flash, if that person is reading this could you please send
me a copy.
Thank you everyone,
[Posted in FML issue 3976]