Please know that not all ferrets are afraid of launching themselves into
unknown space.  I had one that jumped from the second story window after
figuring out how to get around the screen.  At another residence one
jumped from my second story deck, with me sitting on the stairs to block
the furballs from climbing down the steps.
While living in CA, I did have one girl who would follow her playmates, a
cat, a poodle and a second ferret, up the stairway and get stranded there
when the terrible trio descended.  I'd have to check every 15-20 minutes
and she'd be laying on the floor, head resting on the edge, waiting
patiently for me to retrieve her.
They mostly seem fearless and have no idea that they can hurt themselves
jumping to where ever they want to go.
They are the most entertaining critters I have ever loved and hope you
decided to love one or two (or more), just remember to ferret proof
their space for their safety and your peace of mind.
Keep the list informed.
[Posted in FML issue 3976]