A very special ferret is coming your way, pleaze love and hold her tight
to you.
Miss Amity 6+ ,F, MF, tiny silver mitt passed away during the night.  She
was a very special little lady that was a constant companion to our 26yo
profoundly retarded daughter Leslie (ferret-tamer).  The two spent every
evening watching TV together and talking.  Amity in her little shoe box
with her baby blanket sitting on Leslie's bed.  She never ran off and had
her own litter box, food and water in the room.
We got her 5 years ago when our son worked at a pet store and she was a
very sickly Christmas ferret.  They gave her to him because they could
not care for her, as she was very ill with a cold and so small.  She has
been a real addition to our ferret business, and a great friend to
"She will be mourned"
[Posted in FML issue 3975]