Just a quick note in defense(?) of the person who had the ferret in his
locker.  First, it was wrong, wrong, wrong to do that to any animal for
any reason.  Now, for the non-military types on this FML.  Military
personel are forced to live in small rooms with 1-3 other people whom
they do not know.  There is no regard to anything but sex when placing
strangers together.  So, our military brethren (girls too) do what any
normal human being would do.  They get a pet.  Problem; pets of any sort,
including fish, are not allowed in the barracks.  You can be put in jail
or thrown out of the military altogether for the simple act of wanting
something to love and care for.  So they now have the choice, get a pet
and hide it.  Or do with out.  Then again, if you get a pet, and manage
to hide it from all the people who come into your room every day to
inspect for cleanliness etc.  So, that is most likely why the ferret was
in the locker.  As for telling the commander about it, how the !!!****
would you like it if someone called your boss and told them something
like that about your personal business?  Get real people.  Our men and
women are giving up everything, and I mean everything, for the
"privilage" of defending our great nation.  Getting some one thrown in
jail because they wanted a little some one to love is B.S.  I don't think
that non-military types can ever understand the hardships one goes
through.  If you really want to help, write your congress and get
adaquate living quarters for our military kids.  And a place, on base
and affordable, so that they can have a place for the pets when they go
out.  Ok, sorry, had to vent.  It's a real "pet" peeve of mine.  Again, I
really do think what he did was wrong.
Kiss your fuzzies every day
[Posted in FML issue 3974]