I am currently in research mode with plans to adopt two ferrets in
the first half of next year.  While thinking this through, I've been
considering what it would take to ferret proof the house and what areas
of the house I can safely allow them access to.
One worry I have is our stairs and landing area on the second floor.  We
have a catwalk and from there, a ferret could fit through the railing
posts and jump/fall 8 feet.  My husband's attitude is no animal is stupid
enough to do this, but I'm not so certain.  Do ferrets have a tendency to
try and jump from areas higher than is safe or get so busy playing they
don't notice they could fall?
If they can play safely in this area, I'd like to let them do so but can
keep them from it if it's not safe.  Your advice would be appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 3974]