My name is not important.  What is relevent is that I am a sable girl who
is very dainty and loveable and I might add very pretty.  I can't seem to
get me a boyfriend fert for some reason.  The one out in California is
taken already with some 'Dippy" named weasel and he is faithful to her
and that leaves me off his list.  He wants to be 'friends'.  Yeah, right.
Well I am looking at this older type gent named Rascal as he has captured
my heart and soul.  I need to know if you see anything in that crystal
ball of yours (what is an Oracle, by the way) and see if there is a
chance with him.  I love him for what he is and all that he has endured
and will endure with his upcoming surgery.  Please tell me some good
news.  I am tired of being a lonely sable and I have a lot to offer the
right ferret.  His mommy is so sweet too.  She makes these really
terrific afghans and sleepers for humans and ferrets and to have her for
a mother-in-law.......well that is my dream of dreams, Oh Great Ferret
Oracle of The Mystical Realm of Futzles.  You can e-mail me privately
with a reading.
Anonymous Ferret Femme Fetale
[Posted in FML issue 3955]