Greetings All and blessed be.
Well, it happened, that dreaded disease that strikes 4 out of 5 ferret
owners.  You know the dread disease that dare not speak its name.....
FERRET MATH!  Thankfully, there is not a cure.  Thanks to Florence for
putting us in touch with a very nice gentleman who's teenage daughter has
discovered a social life which did not leave enough time for the fuzzies.
Ferry and Sugar.  Ferry is the tiniest ferret I've ever seen full grown.
She can almost literally fit in the palm of my hand.  I'm not sure of her
markings.  She appears to have the sable markings but the color tone is
different.  Has almost a greyish cast to it.  Any ideas?  Sugar is a
bouncing spunky albino with ruby red eyes.  Both fit right in immediately
with the business.  The others had to of course check them out and then
show them all around the house.  Where the best hidey holes were, the
best way to attack and ride a cat.  How to play "slip and slide" on the
tile kitchen floor.  All in all a great exploring session was had by all.
Sugar and Salem had a wrestling match.  At first I thought Salem was
being too rough but after Sugar gave him a Great Big Monkey Toss (old
wrestling move) and landed him flat of his back I knew they were fine.
Bowser had Ferry's rear end on his head walking around.  I thought she
looked awfully funny as she passed by.  I didn't realize at first she
was being driven around like a wheelbarrel.  No hissing, no fighting,
everyone got along super.  When it came time to sleep everybody went in
the cage.  Ferry and Sugar curled up in their hammy I brought from their
former home.  They looked so cute next to each other with just their
heads sticking out.  This morning when I checked on them before work I
found 5 (including the 2 new girls) piled in the large hammock.  Talk
about a pile of dead fur.  Feet, tails and noses akimble!  What a fuzzy
The girls seem to have been very well maintained.  Fur is in good shape,
toenails clipped.  They have been eating Max Cat kitten food.  I'm slowly
swapping them over to Eukanuba kitten.  One thing though.  Sugar's (the
albino) fur on her tail is thin.  I checked her a little bit last night,
but they were so busy playing I didn't want to hold her up.  I'll check
very closely tonight but I didn't seem to see any blackheads.  I haven't
noticed any thinning fur anywhere else.  Vulva and nipples are not
swollen.  Could this be normal for an albino?  I've never had one or
really been around them.  Faye is a dark eyed white and looks like a
cottonball.  I'll definitely keep an eye on her and Ferry for the next
few weeks to make sure all is well.  I'm told they are about 2 years old.
Have a Great Fuzzy Day,
Hawk & Patrick,
Salem, Faye, Bandit, Bowser, Bailey, Ferry and Sugar the ferts
Pyewacket  & Azriel the cats
and Smokey the African Grey
Blessings to all animals great and small and those of us who love and
adore them.
[Posted in FML issue 3974]