Virginia wrote:
>I know that as a ferret mommy I should know this, but what is ADV?
>My babies have been here well over a year and all are very healthy.  So
>we are blessed.
ADV, also called Aleutians Disease Virus, is a virus that ferrets can
catch and spread that is often compared to HIV and AIDS.  There are some
similarities between the 2, although they act on the body in very
different ways.  Like HIV and AIDS, ADV is spread in bodily fluids (with
ADV, this can include blood, saliva, semen, urine and feces), and a
ferret can have the virus but not show symptoms right away.  Also, like
AIDS, the virus causes an autoimmune response.  However, ADV causes the
immune system to go into overdrive, rather then suppressing it.  With
ADV the body produces a large amount of antibodies, also called
gammaglobulins, that do nothing to help fight the virus, but eventually
damage the vital organs.
There are several commercially available tests for ADV.  In the US,
United Vaccines offers a CEP test which is run on a small blood sample.
You can have the vet draw and send the sample, or you can obtain the
sample yourself by clipping a claw short.  Avecon Diagnostics also offers
2 tests, both of which can be run with saliva.  With the ELISA test, you
need to send a saliva sample to Avecon.  There is also a POCT test, which
is similar to a home pregnancy test that can be done by you with
immediate results.  For more information on the Avecon tests you can
visit the Avecon website at:
There are also several websites that have excellent information on ADV.
Here are several of them:
I hope this information is helpful.  If you wish to contact me, please
feel free to do so, at my other email address - [log in to unmask]
While I do not consider myself an expert on ADV, I have been living with
it now for over 3 years.  Danee ADV - If your ferret hasn't been tested,
you don't know!  For more information visit:
[Posted in FML issue 3973]