(Our scene opens on a chunky gray weasel with a white blaze on her head,
reading from a prepared statement.  Another thinner gray weasel with a
dark mask stands by her side.  The chunky weasel speaks..)
Dear Hoomins-
This is Switch the Kit speaking for the New England Chapter of the FLO.
(She shifts the pieces of paper in her paws nervously.)  Here with me
at the podium is my associate Hurricane Lily.  (Lily nods coolly to the
Yesterday April wrote:
>"Hmmmmm.  Damon and I have started to notice 'signs' around the house.
>There are poopies laid everywhere that are in odd shapes.  Not just your
>everyday round pile, but sideways 6's or curly ques and stuff like that.
>Is there an FLO operation going down and I'm just now becoming aware of
>it?  Are huge dire weasels from outer space coming to take over?  Will
>it be too late?  Why are my ferrets staring at me while I type this....?
The FLO suggests that the aforementioned poop, properly arranged, will
spell out..."MADE YOU LOOK!"
(Both weasels begin dooking and whooping and war dancing, the pages are
thrown up in the air and flutter back to the ground like leaves, the
podium is knocked over.  The weasels finally lie on their sides, helpless
with laughter...)
Alexandra in Massachusetts
Switch the Kit:(Gasping for breath, rolling on the floor) "Huge..huge
dire weasels from outer space!"
Hurricane Lily: "Hee-hee-hee!"
[Posted in FML issue 3971]