>Why do my ferrets go into a trance when staring at my cat?  Has any
>one else ever experienced this?  They creep up to her ever so slowly,
>surround her, stare intensely and then their little eyes get all sleepy
>and then they fall asleep.
>What is going on here?
Some of mine do this too - with my cat and also with my dog.  I figured
it was a form of stalking.  One of my ferrets always used to hiss when
she did this.  She still "stalks" but no longer hisses much.
BTW, there's a photo of a ferret in the current issue of Modern Ferret
(#33) who does exactly the same thing - and fell asleep with her head
on the cat's leg.  Very cute.
Nancy and critters
[Posted in FML issue 3971]