I have to get the ad issue out soon if it will be much good for the
holiday season.  So... last call!
Repost follows:
 Date:    Sat, 2 Nov 2002 22:56:29 EST
 From:    "Bill Gruber, FML moderator" <[log in to unmask]>
 Subject: Advertising issue time -- first call! (Rush this time!)
I've been a little more lenient about shelters doing fund raising on the
FML, but there's nothing like an advertising issue.  And since holidays
are fast approaching I'll try to wrap this one up in a couple of weeks.
NOW is the time to send in your ad if you wish to participate.
If you've been subscribed to the FML for a long time you probably know
about (and maybe even look forward to!) the FML advertising issue which
I try to send to you every now and then -- at least in time for end of
the year holidays.
These special all-advertising issues feature a wide variety of great
ferret-related products available from FML subscribers.  Subscribers and
friends of the FML with a ferret-related product(s) to sell may advertise
at NO charge.  This is done strictly because I'm weird and there really
is no financial incentive involved.  (Well, advertisers have a financial
incentive -- I just mean *I* don't get anything out of it!)  For the ad
issue even blatantly commerical entities may advertise -- the usual FML
restrictions don't apply here.
Please send your ads to [log in to unmask] if you would like
to participate.  Please keep the size reasonable (60 lines or so is
reasonable) and please send plain text only (i.e. no attachments with
pictures and such).
If you'd like to get an idea about what to write, please note the last ad
issue, number 15, was sent out about a year ago and can be retrieved from
the server by e-mailing the text SEND FERRETAD 15 in the body of the
e-mail to [log in to unmask]).  Or ask me to send it to you.
FML Moderator
[Posted in FML issue 3970]