Jason Poole asked this question back in issue 3954 (yup I'm behind as
usual).  What can I do to help shelters?  I'm so glad you asked this
question Jason because there is something that every FML'er can do to
help shelters.
At our last executive meeting one of our board members passed me an
envelope with an application from a business that will pay non-profit
groups 2% for every sale made in their store.  Our Society would receive
cards (as many as we want) which can be passed out to members, friends or
family.  Each time a person makes a purchase the card gets swiped and the
sale is recorded and the Society benefits.
Another member told me about another major retailer that will award bonus
points to non-profits for every purchase made.  Again a card is used to
track purchases and the bonus points are accumulated and can be redemmed
for merchandise (great for cleaning supplies, raffle items or prizes).
Many business out there will match donations made to an individuals
charity of choice.  There are also businesses that will even sponsor an
event, such as a car wash, with proceeds going to a local non-profit of
their choice.
Our Society recently received a very large donation from a member's place
of business just because her boss, who was also the owner of the business
realized just how much, what she was doing, meant to her.
I recently read in a newsletter of one lady, a real estate agent, who is
donating $50 for every house she sells to the SPCA.  Another person I
know spends one day each month collecting pop bottles from garbage cans
and donates the money to a local womens shelter.  It's not a lot but
every little bit helps.
We all deal with a multitude of businesses every day and we all talk to
a multitude of people.  There are many businesses out there that offer
programs that benefit non-profit groups in one way or another.  Next
time you're in a store ask what sort of programs they have that benefit
non-profits......keep your eyes and ears open when you're talking to
people.  .and then share your discoveries with the FML.  Some shelter or
shelters out there are going to take advantage of your tips and your will
have helped them in a big way.
Informatoin can be just as valuable as gold.
Barb Gustafson
Alberta Ferret Society
[Posted in FML issue 3968]