The latest issue of Ferrets USA is out.
(BTW, JM is NOT in the guide of it so that is good.)
Those who want to be listed in the 2004 issue's resource, shelter, or
vet listings can write to
<[log in to unmask]>, or Ferrets USA, P.O. Box 6050, Mission
Veijo, CA 92690.  For vet directory listings include the subject "vet
directory" or put that after the magazine name on an envelope.  For other
listings substitute "Resources Directory".  I know of some great vets
who aren't in there.  Would have liked to have seen a list of internet
resources, but perhaps next time... Know of some fine vets who aren't in
there like Hanan Caine in MA and Joe Martins in Bellemead, NJ, and others
but it does have a pile of vets listed.
You'll find three articles in there by ferret veterinary experts.  Dr.
Bruce Williams did an over-view of 15 of the most common ferret medical
problems.  Dr. Deborah Kemmerer created what is probably the best
emergency care guide I've seen.  We will be photostating it and putting
it on the fridge.  Dr. Rene Gandolfi brought ferret anatomy to the
masses.  (Okay, so I read things by vets first, and then again
In addition, there are useful articles on elderly ferrets, basics
everyone should know, legalities, etc.  The mix is a good one for all
sorts of expertise levels.
[Posted in FML issue 3938]