To find sources for "pinkies," frozen or live mice to feed your ferret,
try this: do a search in your Internet browser for "mice pinkies" and
you'll get a list of farms which sell these products in bulk, usually
a minimum of 100.  They ship with cold packs and overnight delivery to
retain the freeze.
One source I found that's a farm in Florida, as an example, sells mice,
rats, and chicks in various age increments: pinkies, fuzzies, hoppers,
on up to adults.
Also, pet stores often sell them, especially those that sell to people
with snakes and other reptiles.  The pet stores charge more than twice as
much as buying in bulk cost, however.  For example, my local pet store
sells them for $1.29 but the total cost for 100 by Mail Order, including
shipping, is $60.00.
I haven't tried feeding them to my boys yet, but will soon.  I'm still
debating whether it would be best to start them off with live mice so
their instincts will tell them what to do.
A question for those experienced with this?  Did you begin feeding mice
with the frozen ones?  If so, did your ferret know what to do with it,
and if not, what tricks did you use to try to encourage him/her to eat
Thank you, FML, for allowing this question to be answered for
information-sharing purposes.  I know not everyone is in agreement on
this diet choice.  The defining spirit of FML shines through: ferret
owners helping other ferret owners by sharing their faith, hope and
Cindy and the fudge ferts:  Cocoa, Butter and, Sugar
in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia
[Posted in FML issue 3937]