Q: "I heard a tape of your talk about ferret behaviors....Would you
    explain more about it on the FML?"
Q: "Your ferret history stuff in Modern Ferret is great!  Will you be
    writing more?"
Q: "How and Mary and Eric and Modern Ferret doing?"
A: These are all sort of related, so I give a combined answer.
I am modifying the ferret behavior lectures for publication in Modern
Ferret.  I will also be providing more on American ferret history in that
Eric has been extremely ill for quite a while, and Mary has been coping,
in my opinion, rather well given the circumstances.  They have
reorganized somewhat, and are publishing again.
Mary and Eric have just pushished a limited edition book, entitled "500
Things My Ferret Told Me." I was lucky enough to obtain a copy, being a
person of humerous reputation, and I enjoyed it tremendously.  I highly
recommeded it, especially for those who enjoy a spot of humor from time
to time.
You can reach them, if you want a copy (or just to say hello):
Send them a nice note if nothing else.
Bob C
[Posted in FML issue 3936]