Soon I am receiving four lovely ferrets after being ferretless for a
year.  I have never had more than two at a time.  I used to take my
others out in the fenced back yard for playtime, sun and a romp thru the
garden (to steal zucchini HA!  HA!).  I would just chase around and keep
them half way under control.  Now with four I don't feel that I can keep
four under control at one time.  Two was crazy but my one never left my
side so I really only had to chase one and the other followed.
What is the best fencing to use?  I would prefer a narrow steel wire but
if something else is more perfect I would like to know.  Also, How big
should it be?  My backyard is about 90 feet by 65 feet.  Please don't
tell me the whole thing!  This will just be a pen for them to play in for
sun and fun.  Not a real cage and never left unattended.  I live in the
city so no preditor fear.  What about just letting the grass grow wild
and tall and not cut it so they can have that "I'm in a jungle" feel.  My
others always loved the tall grass.  I used to leave about a 20 ft strip
for the ladybugs to live in.  Any idea how tall the fence should be?  Can
ferrets climb a wire fence?  Also, what about digging?  Do I need to bury
part of the fence underground so if they dig at the fence they hit wire
underground?  How far underground should it be?
Thank you in advance for any help yoou can give me!  Feel free to e-mail
me directly or post here,
[Posted in FML issue 3936]