::Clapping, whistling.... more clapping::
Bravo!  I learned more from that debate than I could have from reading
a boring book that talks over my head.  Thanks to everyone for
contributing.  It really did help me.
Yes, it got a little heated, but hey any good debate can when the people
feel strongly about the topic.  Great information came out of that debate
for me and I'm sure many others, and it wouldn't if the people didn't
know their "stuff" or feel strongly about it.  Very cool.
I wish I was a good debater.  I wanna debate.... I wanna play!
::putting on boxing gloves, dancing around with fancy footwork.... then
  comming to a realization::
I can't debate anyone.  I don't know anything!!!  Uuuuuuuuuuurg!!!!!
::throwing off the gloves and plopping down in my corner with a great
thud and pouting::
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[Posted in FML issue 3936]