I wish to write the fml and support you in this issue of herbal /versus/
drugs.  I live in a town that is supported by one of the biggest DRUG
PEDDLERS in this country.
why, does everyone want to work there?
why can they pay so well?
I don't know all that much about herbal/versus/drugs, but i would prefer
natural medications, and some one who knows what they are doing, to
someone who (assumes).  What do the physicians, who dispense these
medications , really know, about the medications they so freely write
scripts for?  WE, the people have elevated physicians to the positions of
"god" so to speak, FOR WE DO NOT QUESTION, them.  They know what they do,
but do they know the compositions, etc?  That these companies support the
physicians dispensing them, with free samples, AND, politics.  .  .(make
your own judgement call on that,last remark) .  It is like trying to get
into Chrysler here, also, do, you, have to know someone to get a job with
people, remember these physicians are educated, but they are just as
human as you and i.  I believe that they deserve, THE respect for that
level of education, but i also deserve the respect, that i am a
human/ferret/other animal lover, also.
I need a little time to ponder this subject.
I w/come up with some words of defense.  Since i am only a lowly peon
in society, i do not have much clout, per se, and base a lot of my
(thoughts) on assumptions?  But i, although i am not college, educated,
i am neither ignorant, nor unknowing of the term : nepotism.  Reading is
a wonderful way to educate oneself also.  Pick up a book today, and read
Sometimes we just need to instead of dispensing drugs, to assist people
in overcoming their fears, and dealing with their lives, ie;
antidepressants, (just for reference) maybe more of a humanistic?
interest, in helping them deal with what life has dished out to them, and
showing them a way to face their challenges would be more beneficial,
than to masque them over with drug medications?  ie, educating them?
A former president of ours finally got the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, that he
deserved, and the recognition for his work, his, interest in helping
those of lesser means.
I have taken antid's before, only to find that after a week on them, i
would rather face lifes challenges head on, with open eyes, than with
rose colored glasses.  Granted everyone has their sad days, and i have
had plenty of them, but a natural theraphy, is more of my choice, for
then it is something that i am not dependent on with body, but spirit?  I
don't want to be a walking zombie, the blood that flows through my veins
is pure?  Well . . .drug free ?
We have refined so much in our lives for convenience sake, that our
bodies can no longer function properly, without having to depend on
something else, to counteract that which damages we have caused, by our
abuses?  Instead of the industries telling us the TRUTH about all the
refined foods WE ingest daily, they would rather TOUT the fact that they
taste so good.  Consider all the advertising, that industry is making
money and the company paying the advertiser is making money, what about
the people using the product?  What are our, true benefits, long term?
More medications?  This is supposed to be a country, where we are free to
make our own choices, then why not do the physicians offer the choice of
natural / versus /manufactured medications.
I am probably going to eat a lot of my words, if i post this, but i have
to say something.  granted , there ARE, prescription medications out
there that i am thankful that have been available for me, to utilize in
healing my self, antibiotics, ie; ointments and internal meds, but...
there are also, available , HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES.  It boils down to us
making those choices for our own lives, and that also of our
children/animals, until they, can make those choices themselves.
i am going to send this one anon, i don't know if there are subscribers
who work for Abbotts, or otherwise, but those who do, will know.  I don't
care if i work there or not, it would be my conscience, versus, doing
what is right for the good of mankind.
humantiarians /VERSUS / ?
[Moderator's note: This is getting a little far from debating the best
type of medicines for ferrets -- comments should be related somehow to
ferrets, please.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3934]